Spark SQL也公布了很久,今天写了个程序来看下Spark SQL、Spark Hive以及直接用Hive执行的效率进行了对比。以上测试都是跑在YARN上。
- 3台DataNode,2台NameNode,每台机器20G内存,24核
- 数据都是lzo格式的,共336个文件,338.6 G
- 无其他任务执行
select count(*), host, module from ewaplog group by host, module order by host, module;
下面我们先来看看Spark SQL核心的代码(关于Spark SQL的详细介绍请参见Spark官方文档,这里我就不介绍了。):
/** * User: 过往记忆 * Date: 14-8-13 * Time: 下午23:16 * bolg: * 本文地址:/archives/1090 * 过往记忆博客,专注于hadoop、hive、spark、shark、flume的技术博客,大量的干货 * 过往记忆博客微信公共帐号:iteblog_hadoop */ public static class Entry implements Serializable { private String host; private String module; private String content; public Entry(String host, String module, String content) { = host; this.module = module; this.content = content; } public String getHost() { return host; } public void setHost(String host) { = host; } public String getModule() { return module; } public void setModule(String module) { this.module = module; } public String getContent() { return content; } public void setContent(String content) { this.content = content; } @Override public String toString() { return "[" + host + "\t" + module + "\t" + content + "]"; } } ....... JavaSparkContext ctx = ... JavaSQLContext sqlCtx = ... JavaRDD<Entry> stringJavaRDD = ctx.textFile(args[0]).map( new Function<String, Entry>() { @Override public Entry call(String str) throws Exception { String[] split = str.split("\u0001"); if (split.length < 3) { return new Entry("", "", ""); } return new Entry(split[0], split[1], split[2]); } }); JavaSchemaRDD schemaPeople = sqlCtx.applySchema(stringJavaRDD, Entry.class); schemaPeople.registerAsTable("entry"); JavaSchemaRDD teenagers = sqlCtx.sql("select count(*), host, module " + "from entry " + "group by host, module " + "order by host, module"); List<String> teenagerNames = Function<Row, String>() { public String call(Row row) { return row.getLong(0) + "\t" + row.getString(1) + "\t" + row.getString(2); } }).collect(); for (String name : teenagerNames) { System.out.println(name); }
Spark Hive核心代码:
/** * User: 过往记忆 * Date: 14-8-23 * Time: 下午23:16 * bolg: * 本文地址:/archives/1090 * 过往记忆博客,专注于hadoop、hive、spark、shark、flume的技术博客,大量的干货 * 过往记忆博客微信公共帐号:iteblog_hadoop */ JavaHiveContext hiveContext =....; JavaSchemaRDD result = hiveContext.hql("select count(*), host, module " + "from ewaplog " + "group by host, module " + "order by host, module"); List<Row> collect = result.collect(); for (Row row : collect) { System.out.println(row.get(0) + "\t" + row.get(1) + "\t" + row.get(2)); }
大家可以看到Spark Hive核心代码里面的SQL语句和直接在Hive上面执行一样,在执行这个代码的时候,需要确保ewaplog存在。而且在运行这个程序的时候需要依赖Hive的一些jar包,需要依赖Hive的元数据等信息。对Hive的依赖比较大。而Spark SQL直接读取lzo文件,并没有涉及到Hive,相比Spark Hive依赖性这方便很好。Spark SQL直接读取lzo文件,然后将数据存放在RDD中,applySchema方法将JavaRDD转换成JavaSchemaRDD,我们来看看文档是怎么来描述的
At the core of this component is a new type of RDD, SchemaRDD. SchemaRDDs are composed Row objects along with a schema that describes the data types of each column in the row. A SchemaRDD is similar to a table in a traditional relational database. A SchemaRDD can be created from an existing RDD, Parquet file, a JSON dataset, or by running HiveQL against data stored in Apache Hive.
iteblog@Spark $ spark-submit --master yarn-cluster --jars lib/spark-sql_2.10-1.0.0.jar --class SparkSQLTest --queue queue1 ./spark-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /home/wyp/test/*.lzo
分别经过了20分钟左右的时间,Spark SQL和Spark Hive都可以运行完,结果如下:
39511517 bokingserver1 CN1_hbase_android_client 59141803 bokingserver1 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 39544052 bokingserver2 CN1_hbase_android_client 59156743 bokingserver2 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 23472413 bokingserver3 CN1_hbase_android_client 35251936 bokingserver3 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 23457708 bokingserver4 CN1_hbase_android_client 35262400 bokingserver4 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 19832715 bokingserver5 CN1_hbase_android_client 51003885 bokingserver5 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 19831076 bokingserver6 CN1_hbase_android_client 50997314 bokingserver6 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 30526207 bokingserver7 CN1_hbase_android_client 50702806 bokingserver7 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 54844214 bokingserver8 CN1_hbase_android_client 88062792 bokingserver8 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 54852596 bokingserver9 CN1_hbase_android_client 88043401 bokingserver9 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 54864322 bokingserver10 CN1_hbase_android_client 88041583 bokingserver10 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 54891529 bokingserver11 CN1_hbase_android_client 88007489 bokingserver11 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 54613917 bokingserver12 CN1_hbase_android_client 87623763 bokingserver12 CN1_hbase_iphone_client
hive> select count(*), host, module from ewaplog > group by host, module order by host, module; Job 0: Map: 2845 Reduce: 364 Cumulative CPU: 17144.59 sec HDFS Read: 363542156311 HDFS Write: 36516 SUCCESS Job 1: Map: 1 Reduce: 1 Cumulative CPU: 4.82 sec HDFS Read: 114193 HDFS Write: 1260 SUCCESS Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 0 days 4 hours 45 minutes 49 seconds 410 msec OK 39511517 bokingserver1 CN1_hbase_android_client 59141803 bokingserver1 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 39544052 bokingserver2 CN1_hbase_android_client 59156743 bokingserver2 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 23472413 bokingserver3 CN1_hbase_android_client 35251936 bokingserver3 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 23457708 bokingserver4 CN1_hbase_android_client 35262400 bokingserver4 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 19832715 bokingserver5 CN1_hbase_android_client 51003885 bokingserver5 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 19831076 bokingserver6 CN1_hbase_android_client 50997314 bokingserver6 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 30526207 bokingserver7 CN1_hbase_android_client 50702806 bokingserver7 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 54844214 bokingserver8 CN1_hbase_android_client 88062792 bokingserver8 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 54852596 bokingserver9 CN1_hbase_android_client 88043401 bokingserver9 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 54864322 bokingserver10 CN1_hbase_android_client 88041583 bokingserver10 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 54891529 bokingserver11 CN1_hbase_android_client 88007489 bokingserver11 CN1_hbase_iphone_client 54613917 bokingserver12 CN1_hbase_android_client 87623763 bokingserver12 CN1_hbase_iphone_client Time taken: 1818.706 seconds, Fetched: 24 row(s)
本文链接: 【Spark SQL & Spark Hive编程开发, 并和Hive执行效率对比】(
从Spark 1.3.0版本开始,JavaHiveConcext.scala文件已经被移除了。只能用HiveConcext。
spark hive 的操作,对于hive的依赖包,怎么弄得? JavaHiveContext ,JavaSchemaRDD 我都没,求指教怎么弄依赖包。