本文是 2021-10-13 日周三下午13:30 举办的议题为《Enabling Presto Caching at Uber with Alluxio》的分享,作者来自 Uber 的 Zhongting Hu 和 Alluxio 发 Dr. Beinan Wang。
Zhongting Hu is Tech Lead Manager of the Interactive Analytics Team at Uber. He is leading and managing Presto ecosystems inside Uber.
Dr. Beinan Wang is a software engineer from Alluxio and is the committer of PrestoDB. Prior to Alluxio, he was the Tech Lead of the Presto team in Twitter and he built large scale distributed SQL systems for Twitter’s data platform. He has twelve-year experience of working on performance optimization, distributed caching, and volume data processing. He received his PhD in computer engineering from Syracuse University on the symbolic model checking and runtime verification of distributed systems.
本次演讲讨论了 Uber 使用 Alluxio 时的问题。来自 Uber 的 Zhongting Hu 将提供优步流量、云、分布、失效和一致哈希的概述。来自 Alluxio 的 Beinan 将提供元数据和监控指标的深入研究。
本文链接: 【使用 Alluxio 实现 Presto Caching @ Uber】(https://www.iteblog.com/archives/10064.html)