本资料来自2022年03月03日举办的 Alluxio Day 活动。分享议题 《Speed Up Uber’s Presto with Alluxio》,分享者 Liang Chen 和王北南。
Uber 的 Liang Chen 和 Alluxio 的王北南将为大家呈现 Alluxio Local Cache 上线过程中遇到的实际问题和有趣的发现。他们的演讲涵盖了 Uber 的 Presto 团队如何解决 Alluxio 的本地缓存失效的问题。Liang Chen 还将分享他使用定制缓存过滤器来(customized cache filter)来解决由于大量工作集而导致的性能下降的经验。
Chen Liang Chen is a senior software engineer at Uber’s interactive analytics team, focusing on Presto. Before joining Uber, Chen was a staff software engineer at LinkedIn’s Big Data platform. Chen is also a committer and PMC member of Apache Hadoop. Chen holds two master degrees from Duke University and Brown University.
Dr. Beinan Wang is a software engineer from Alluxio and is the committer of PrestoDB. Prior to Alluxio, he was the Tech Lead of the Presto team in Twitter and he built large scale distributed SQL systems for Twitter’s data platform. He has twelve-year experience of working on performance optimization, distributed caching, and volume data processing. He received his PhD in computer engineering from Syracuse University on the symbolic model checking and runtime verification of distributed systems.
本文链接: 【通过 Alluxio 来加速 Uber 的 Presto 集群】(https://www.iteblog.com/archives/10147.html)