Hive on Spark功能目前只增加下面九个参数,具体含义可以参见下面介绍。hive.spark.client.future.timeout
Hive client请求Spark driver的超时时间,如果没有指定时间单位,默认就是秒。Expects a time value with unit (d/day, h/hour, m/min, s/sec, ms/msec, us/usec, ns/nsec), which is sec if not specified. Timeout for requests from Hive client to remote Spark driver.hive.spark.job.monitor.timeout
Job监控获取Spark作业状态的超时时间,如果没有指定时间单位,默认就是秒。Expects a time value with unit (d/day, h/hour, m/min, s/sec, ms/msec, us/usec, ns/nsec), which is sec if not specified. Timeout for job monitor to get Spark job state.hive.spark.client.connect.timeout
Spark driver连接Hive client的超时时间,如果没有指定时间单位,默认就是毫秒。Expects a time value with unit (d/day, h/hour, m/min, s/sec, ms/msec, us/usec, ns/nsec), which is msec if not specified. Timeout for remote Spark driver in connecting back to Hive client.hive.spark.client.server.connect.timeout
Hive client和远程Spark driver握手时的超时时间,这个会在两边都检查的,如果没有指定时间单位,默认就是毫秒。Expects a time value with unit (d/day, h/hour, m/min, s/sec, ms/msec, us/usec, ns/nsec), which is msec if not specified. Timeout for handshake between Hive client and remote Spark driver. Checked by both processes.hive.spark.client.secret.bits
在Hive client和远程Spark driver通信过程中,随机生成密码的比特数。最好设置成8的倍数。Number of bits of randomness in the generated secret for communication between Hive client and remote Spark driver. Rounded down to the nearest multiple of 8.hive.spark.client.rpc.threads
远程Spark drive用于处理RPC事件所用的最大线程数,默认是8。Maximum number of threads for remote Spark driver's RPC event loop.hive.spark.client.rpc.max.size
Hive client和远程Spark driver通信最大的消息大小(单位:byte),默认是50MB。Maximum message size in bytes for communication between Hive client and remote Spark driver. Default is
远程Spark driver的通道日志级别,必须是DEBUG, ERROR, INFO, TRACE, WARN中的一个。Channel logging level for remote Spark driver. One of {DEBUG, ERROR, INFO, TRACE, WARN}.hive.spark.client.rpc.sasl.mechanisms
用于身份验证的SASL机制的名称。Name of the SASL mechanism to use for authentication.
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为啥spark中通过beelin 执行sql ,不需要启动hive的metastore呢