
Apache HBase 1.2.1正式发布

  Apache HBase 1.2.1 于2016-04-12正式发布了,HBase 1.2.1是HBase 1.2.z版本线上的第一个维护版本,该版本的主题仍然是为Hadoop和NoSQL社区带来稳定和可靠的数据库。此版本在1.2.0版本上解决了27个issues。


* [HBASE-15441] - Fix WAL splitting when region has moved multiple times
* [HBASE-15219] - Canary tool does not return non-zero exit code when
                  one of regions is in stuck state
* [HBASE-15325] - ResultScanner allowing partial result will miss the
                  rest of the row if the region is moved between two
                  rpc requests
* [HBASE-15378] - Scanner cannot handle heartbeat message with no

完整的issues列表如下(可以访问 这里https://s.apache.org/hbase-1.2.1-jira-releasenotes):

[HBASE-15113] - Procedure v2 - Speedup eviction of sys operation results
[HBASE-15232] - Exceptions returned over multi RPC don't automatically trigger region location reloads
[HBASE-15311] - Prevent NPE in BlockCacheViewTmpl
[HBASE-15351] - Fix description of hbase.bucketcache.size in hbase-default.xml
[HBASE-15365] - Do not write to '/tmp' in TestHBaseConfiguration
[HBASE-15384] - Avoid using '/tmp' directory in TestBulkLoad
[HBASE-15422] - Procedure v2 - Avoid double yield
[HBASE-15479] - No more garbage or beware of autoboxing
[HBASE-14256] - Flush task message may be confusing when region is recovered
[HBASE-15290] - Hbase Rest CheckAndAPI should save other cells along with compared cell
[HBASE-15291] - FileSystem not closed in secure bulkLoad
[HBASE-15295] - MutateTableAccess.multiMutate() does not get high priority causing a deadlock
[HBASE-15319] - clearJmxCache does not take effect actually
[HBASE-15322] - Operations using Unsafe path broken for platforms not having sun.misc.Unsafe
[HBASE-15323] - Hbase Rest CheckAndDeleteAPi should be able to delete more cells
[HBASE-15325] - ResultScanner allowing partial result will miss the rest of the row if the region is moved between two rpc requests
[HBASE-15354] - Use same criteria for clearing meta cache for all operations
[HBASE-15358] - canEnforceTimeLimitFromScope should use timeScope instead of sizeScope
[HBASE-15378] - Scanner cannot handle heartbeat message with no results
[HBASE-15393] - Enable table replication command will fail when parent znode is not default in peer cluster
[HBASE-15430] - Failed taking snapshot - Manifest proto-message too large
[HBASE-15433] - SnapshotManager#restoreSnapshot not update table and region count quota correctly when encountering exception
[HBASE-15439] - getMaximumAllowedTimeBetweenRuns in ScheduledChore ignores the TimeUnit
[HBASE-15441] - Fix WAL splitting when region has moved multiple times
[HBASE-15582] - SnapshotManifestV1 too verbose when there are no regions
[HBASE-15591] - ServerCrashProcedure not yielding
[HBASE-15219] - Canary tool does not return non-zero exit code when one of regions is in stuck state
[HBASE-15413] - Procedure-V2: print out ProcedureInfo during trace
[HBASE-15478] - add comments to FSHLog explaining why syncRunnerIndex won't overflow
New Feature
[HBASE-15592] - Print Procedure WAL content
[HBASE-15500] - Cut HBase 1.2.1 release

Hbase 1.2.1下载地址



The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of HBase 1.2.1.

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational database.
Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of rows with
millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware. To learn more about HBase,
see https://hbase.apache.org/.

HBase 1.2.1 is the first maintenance release in the HBase 1.2.z line,
continuing on the theme of bringing a stable, reliable database to the
Hadoop and NoSQL communities. This release includes 27 resolved issues
since the 1.2.0 release.

Notable fixes include:

* [HBASE-15441] - Fix WAL splitting when region has moved multiple times
* [HBASE-15219] - Canary tool does not return non-zero exit code when
                  one of regions is in stuck state
* [HBASE-15325] - ResultScanner allowing partial result will miss the
                  rest of the row if the region is moved between two
                  rpc requests
* [HBASE-15378] - Scanner cannot handle heartbeat message with no

The full list of issues can be found in the CHANGES.txt file included in
the release and online at:


Download through an ASF mirror near you:


The relevant checksums files are available at:


Project member signature keys can be found at


PGP signatures are available at:


For instructions on verifying ASF release downloads, please see


Question, comments, and problems are always welcome at: dev@hbase.apache.org.

The HBase Dev Team
本文链接: 【Apache HBase 1.2.1正式发布】(https://www.iteblog.com/archives/1637.html)
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