本书是《Spark快速数据处理》第三版,全书基于Spark 2.0.0编写。本书适合Spark入门者,作者Krishna Sankar,由Packt出版社于2016年10月出版,全书共274页。通过本书你将学到以下知识:
(3)、使用新的DataFrame API操作数据;
(4)、了解和Spark RDD交互的各种不同方法;
Chapter 1: Installing Spark and Setting Up Your Cluster Chapter 2: Using the Spark Shell Chapter 3: Building and Running a Spark Application Chapter 4: Creating a SparkSession Object Chapter 5: Loading and Saving Data in Spark Chapter 6: Manipulating Your RDD Chapter 7: Spark 2.0 Concepts Chapter 8: Spark SQL Chapter 9: Foundations of Datasets/DataFrames – The Proverbial Workhorse for DataScientists Chapter 10: Spark with Big Data Chapter 11: Machine Learning with Spark ML Pipelines Chapter 12: GraphX
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本文链接: 【[电子书]Fast Data Processing with Spark 2, 3rd Edition下载】(https://www.iteblog.com/archives/1915.html)