Learning Apache Flink又名Mastering Apache Flink,是由Tanmay Deshpande所著,2017年02月在Packt出版,全书共280页。这本书是学习Apache Flink进行批处理和流数据处理的入门指南。本书首先介绍Apache Flink生态系统,然后介绍如何设置Apache Flink,并使用DataSet和DataStream API分别处理静态数据和流数据。本书将探讨如何在数据集上使用Table API。在本书的后半部分,读者将学习Apache Flink的的其他生态系统,以实现复杂的任务,如事件处理(event processing)机器学习(machine learning)和图形处理(graph processing)。本书的最后一部分将介绍如何扩展Flink解决方案,以及如何进行性能优化,将Flink与其他工具(如ElasticSearch)集成等问题。无论你想深入了解Apache Flink,还是想调查如何从这个强大的技术中获得更多,你会从这本书中学到你所要的。
1、Learn how to build end to end real time analytics projects
2、Integrate with existing big data stack and utilize existing infrastructure.
3、Build predictive analytics applications using FlinkML
4、Use graph library to perform graph querying and search.
5、Understand Flink's - "Streaming First" architecture to implementing real streaming applications
6、Learn Flink Logging and Monitoring best practices in order to efficiently design your data pipelines
7、Explore the detailed processes to deploy Flink cluster on Amazon Web Services(AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Chapter 1: Introduction to Apache Flink Chapter 2: Data Processing Using the DataStream API Chapter 3: Data Processing Using the Batch Processing API Chapter 4: Data Processing Using the Table API Chapter 5: Complex Event Processing Chapter 6: Machine Learning Using FlinkML Chapter 7: Flink Graph API - Gelly Chapter 8: Distributed Data Processing with Flink and Hadoop Chapter 9: Deploying Flink on Cloud Chapter 10: Best Practices
本文链接: 【[电子书]Learning Apache Flink PDF下载】(https://www.iteblog.com/archives/2040.html)