本书由Vaibhav Kohli, Rajdeep Dua, John Wooten所著,全书共290页;Packt Publishing出版社于2017年03月出版。通过本书你将学习到以下的知识:
1、Install Docker ecosystem tools and services, Microservices and N-tier applications
2、Create re-usable, portable containers with help of automation tools
3、Network and inter-link containers
4、Attach volumes securely to containers
5、Consume and troubleshoot Docker APIs
6、Troubleshooting issue of Docker deployment in Public cloud
7、Ease the process of container management with Kubernetes
1 Understanding Container Scenarios and an Overview of Docker 2 Docker Installation 3 Building Base and Layered Images 4 Devising Microservices and N-Tier Applications 5 Moving Around Containerized Applications 6 Making Containers Work 7 Managing the Networking Stack of a Docker Container 8 Managing Docker Container with Kubernetes 9 Hooking Volume Baggage 10 Docker Deployment in a Public Cloud - AWS and Azure
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