

[电子书]Machine Learning Algorithms PDF下载

[电子书]Machine Learning Algorithms PDF下载
本书于2017-07由Packt Publishing出版,作者Giuseppe Bonaccorso,全书580页。关注大数据猿(bigdata_ai)公众号及时获取最新大数据相关电子书、资讯等通过本书你将学到以下知识Acquaint yourself with important elements of Machine LearningUnderstand the feature selection and feature engineering processAssess performance and error trade-offs for Linear RegressionBuild a data model

zz~~   8年前 (2017-08-27) 4678℃ 0评论14喜欢

[电子书]Deep Learning with Theano PDF下载

[电子书]Deep Learning with Theano PDF下载
本书于2017-07由Packt Publishing出版,作者Christopher Bourez,全书440页。关注大数据猿(bigdata_ai)公众号及时获取最新大数据相关电子书、资讯等通过本书你将学到以下知识Get familiar with Theano and deep learningProvide examples in supervised, unsupervised, generative, or reinforcement learning.Discover the main principles for designing efficient deep learning nets: convolut

zz~~   8年前 (2017-08-23) 2389℃ 0评论8喜欢

[电子书]Apache Spark 2.x for Java Developers PDF下载

[电子书]Apache Spark 2.x for Java Developers PDF下载
本书于2017-07由Packt Publishing出版,作者Sourav Gulati, Sumit Kumar,全书662页。关注大数据猿(bigdata_ai)公众号及时获取最新大数据相关电子书、资讯等通过本书你将学到以下知识Process data using different file formats such as XML, JSON, CSV, and plain and delimited text, using the Spark core Library.Perform analytics on data from various data sources such as Kafka, and Flume

zz~~   8年前 (2017-08-22) 6475℃ 0评论27喜欢

[电子书]Scala and Spark for Big Data Analytics PDF下载

[电子书]Scala and Spark for Big Data Analytics PDF下载
本书于2017-07由Packt Publishing出版,作者Md. Rezaul Karim, Sridhar Alla,全书1587页。关注大数据猿(bigdata_ai)公众号及时获取最新大数据相关电子书、资讯等通过本书你将学到以下知识Understand object-oriented & functional programming concepts of ScalaIn-depth understanding of Scala collection APIsWork with RDD and DataFrame to learn Spark’s core abstractionsAnalysin

zz~~   8年前 (2017-08-21) 7844℃ 0评论31喜欢

[电子书]Apache Mesos Cookbook PDF下载

[电子书]Apache Mesos Cookbook PDF下载
本书于2017-08由Packt Publishing出版,作者David Blomquist, Tomasz Janiszewski,全书546页。通过本书你将学到以下知识Set up Mesos on different operating systemsUse the Marathon and Chronos frameworks to manage multiple applicationsWork with Mesos and DockerIntegrate Mesos with Spark and other big data frameworksUse networking features in Mesos for effective communication between containersConfig

zz~~   8年前 (2017-08-17) 2470℃ 0评论8喜欢

[电子书]Learning Apache Spark 2 PDF下载

[电子书]Learning Apache Spark 2 PDF下载
本书于2017-03由Packt Publishing出版,作者Muhammad Asif Abbasi,全书356页。通过本书你将学到以下知识:Get an overview of big data analytics and its importance for organizations and data professionalsDelve into Spark to see how it is different from existing processing platformsUnderstand the intricacies of various file formats, and how to process them with Apache Spark.Realize how to deploy Spark with YAR

zz~~   8年前 (2017-07-26) 14768℃ 0评论29喜欢

[电子书]Apache Spark 2.x Cookbook, 2nd Edition PDF下载

[电子书]Apache Spark 2.x Cookbook, 2nd Edition PDF下载
本书于2017-05由Packt Publishing出版,作者Rishi Yadav,全书294页。从书名就可以看出这是一本讲解技巧的书。本书副标题:Over 70 recipes to help you use Apache Spark as your single big data computing platform and master its libraries。本书适合数据工程师,数据科学家以及那些想使用Spark的读者。阅读本书之前最好有Scala的编程基础。通过本书你将学到以下知识

zz~~   8年前 (2017-07-07) 4865℃ 0评论16喜欢

[电子书]High Performance Spark完整版PDF下载

[电子书]High Performance Spark完整版PDF下载
如果你使用Apache Spark解决了中等规模数据的问题,但是在海量数据使用Spark的时候还是会遇到各种问题。High Performance Spark将会向你展示如何使用Spark的高级功能,所以你可以超越新手级别。本书适合软件工程师、数据工程师、开发者以及Spark系统管理员的使用。本书全名High Performance Spark:Best Practices for Scaling and Optimizing Apache Spark,作

w397090770   8年前 (2017-06-23) 10682℃ 0评论19喜欢

[电子书]Spark: The Definitive Guide Early Release PDF下载

[电子书]Spark: The Definitive Guide Early Release PDF下载
本书作者:Bill Chambers、Matei Zaharia、Shrey Mehrotra,由O'Reilly Media出版社于2017年1月出版,全书共450页。这里提供的是本书的 Early Release 版本,正式版尚未出版,而且目前还没有完整的内容。由于这本书有Matei Zaharia参与编写,所有很值得一看。通过本书将学习到以下的知识:Get a gentle overview of big data and SparkLearn about DataFrames, SQL, a

zz~~   8年前 (2017-06-22) 6847℃ 0评论26喜欢

[电子书]Machine Learning with Spark Second Edition PDF下载

[电子书]Machine Learning with Spark Second Edition PDF下载
本书作者:Rajdeep Dua、Manpreet Singh Ghotra、 Nick Pentreath,由Packt出版社于2017年04月出版,全书共532页。本书是2015年02月出版的Machine Learning with Spark的第二版。通过本书将学习到以下的知识:Get hands-on with the latest version of Spark MLCreate your first Spark program with Scala and PythonSet up and configure a development environment for Spark on your own computer, as well

zz~~   8年前 (2017-05-27) 4558℃ 0评论14喜欢