

Using Flume:Flexible, Scalable, and Reliable Data Streaming

Using Flume:Flexible, Scalable, and Reliable Data Streaming
本书作者:Hari Shreedharan,由O'Reilly Media出版社于2014年09月出版,全书共238页。 如果想及时了解Spark、Hadoop或者Hbase相关的文章,欢迎关注微信公共帐号:iteblog_hadoop本书的章节[code lang="bash"]Chapter 1: Apache Hadoop and Apache HBase:An IntroductionChapter 2: Streaming Data Using Apache FlumeChapter 3:SourcesChapter 4: ChannelsChapter 5: SinksChapter 6: Inter

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Apache Flume: Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop, 2nd Edition

Apache Flume: Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop, 2nd Edition
本书作者:Steve Hoffman,由Packt 出版社于2015年02月出版,全书共178页。如果想及时了解Spark、Hadoop或者Hbase相关的文章,欢迎关注微信公共帐号:iteblog_hadoop本书的章节[code lang="bash"]Chapter 1: Overview and ArchitectureChapter 2: A Quick Start Guide to FlumeChapter 3:ChannelsChapter 4:Sinks and Sink ProcessorsChapter 5: Sources and Channel SelectorsChapter 6:

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Apache ZooKeeper Essentials 电子书PDF下载

Apache ZooKeeper Essentials 电子书PDF下载
Apache ZooKeeper Essentials于2015年01月出版,全书共168页。本书是使用 Apache ZooKeeper 的快速入门指南。如果想及时了解Spark、Hadoop或者Hbase相关的文章,欢迎关注微信公共帐号:iteblog_hadoop目录一共分为七章,目录安排如下:Chapter 1: A Crash Course in Apache ZooKeeperChapter 2: Understanding the Inner Workings of Apache ZooKeeperChapter 3: Programming with A

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Programming Hive

Programming Hive
Programming Hive: Data Warehouse and Query Language for Hadoop 1st Edition 于2012年09月出版,全书共350页,是学习Hive经典的一本书。图书信息如下:Publisher : O'Reilly Media; 1st edition (October 16, 2012)Language : EnglishPaperback : 350 pagesISBN-10 : 1449319335ISBN-13 : 978-1449319335这本指南将向您介绍 Apache Hive, 它是 Hadoop 的数据仓库基础设施。通过这本书将快速

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