我们在《Tachyon 0.7.0伪分布式集群安装与测试》文章中介绍了如何搭建伪分布式Tachyon集群。从官方文档得知,Spark 1.4.x和Tachyon 0.6.4版本兼容,而最新版的Tachyon 0.7.1和Spark 1.5.x兼容,目前最新版的Spark为1.4.1,所以下面的操作步骤全部是基于Tachyon 0.6.4平台的,Tachyon 0.6.4的搭建步骤和Tachyon 0.7.0类似。 废话不多说,开始介绍吧 w397090770 10年前 (2015-08-31) 5490℃ 0评论6喜欢
我们先来看看官方文档是怎么对Tachyon进行描述的:Tachyon is a memory-centric distributed storage system enabling reliable data sharing at memory-speed across cluster frameworks, such as Spark and MapReduce. It achieves high performance by leveraging lineage information and using memory aggressively. Tachyon caches working set files in memory, thereby avoiding going to disk to load datasets that are frequently w397090770 10年前 (2015-08-27) 3190℃ 4评论2喜欢