本文来自 submarine 团队投稿。作者: Wangda Tan & Sunil Govindan & Zhankun Tang(这篇博文由网易的刘勋和周全协助编写)。原文地址:https://hortonworks.com/blog/submarine-running-deep-learning-workloads-apache-hadoop/介绍Hadoop 是用于大型企业数据集的分布式处理的最流行的开源框架,它在本地和云端环境中都有很多重要用途。深度学习对于语 w397090770 6年前 (2019-01-01) 4059℃ 0评论4喜欢
我们知道,一张 HBase 表包含一个或多个列族。HBase 的官方文档中关于 HBase 表的列族的个数有两处描述:A typical schema has between 1 and 3 column families per table. HBase tables should not be designed to mimic RDBMS tables. 以及 HBase currently does not do well with anything above two or three column families so keep the number of column families in your schema low. 上面两句话其实都是 w397090770 6年前 (2019-01-01) 4477℃ 1评论13喜欢